Sharpen Your Axe

Anyone that emails me on Friday will get my out office message on email.

WHY do I not work Fridays?

I actually do work on Fridays but just not IN the business, rather I work ON my business.

Previously I always had my head down grinding out the work and just being “busy”, I then realised unless I changed the way things were done, nothing would change.

If I don’t spend the relevant time improving my own business, how will my own business grow? HOW WILL I GROW? My business is in capable hands with my team, they can answer any questions and do all work now that I have previously done.

Abraham Lincoln famously once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” By taking Friday to myself, I am myself “sharpening” my axe

Fridays is spent looking at items like;

  • How to improve procedures within the business
  • How to improve new software purchases
  • How to improve team training and make their lives easier
  • My own figures being the income and expenses
  • Strategy in how to make the business grow and more efficient

Since I have taken this decision, I have seen growth like never before, ALL businesses should be seen as a baby which needs attention and nurturing so don’t neglect it.

Are YOU spending time on development? Remember it may be one step back to take 5 steps forward, don’t take this for granted.

Interested to know if anyone else thinks like this or am I just wasting my Fridays when I could be “earning”


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